208. Thorntonloch
It was a misty, slightly drizzly morning as I entered the East Lothian region ready to work my way around the coast over two days. As it turned out, I visited just the one beach before needing to abort my trip to return home. I did however get to spend an hour walking along lovely Thorntonloch, which is overlooked by the Torness Nucleus Power Station at one end. Not perhaps the most attractive beach feature, but it was largely invisible on this overcast morning as I walked along the back of the dunes and along the shore.
I returned a week later to pick up my trip around the coast where I left off, but I wanted to return to Thorntonloch as it was a beautiful late afternoon and I wanted to see more of this fine beach. The setting sun was making the deep dunes glow and a few hardy surfers were braving the waves as I made my way top to the ‘power station’ end of the beach and back. Such a lovely place for a walk, and I was pleased to be back. Most of these photos are from the second visit.