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11 September 2023

The parish of Uig is the largest and most sparsely populated region of Lewis and is dominated by the magnificent sprawling Ardroil Sands, but not far from the main beach lies one of Lewis’s greatest secrets at Carnish. I think this beach would justify itself as a hidden treasure or undiscovered gem because it doesn’t appear on many maps or ‘best Lewis beaches’ websites. It’s certainly easy to miss and you would hardly stumble across it by accident, lying off a quiet track from the main road at the Abhainn Dearg Distillery. Fortunately, a neat wooden ‘beach’ sign points to a small path alongside a cottage but even still, you don’t sense an actual beach could be nearby.  It just doesn’t feel right. But a short walk of maybe 250 yards later and suddenly the remarkable white sand beach is revealed in all its glory, with turquoise water, dunes and framing cliffs. Needless to say I was the only person on the beach and by now, with the sun shining, all was good in the world.