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12 September 2023

It had been a very long but magnificent day on the beaches of Harris. Starting with a long walk at Hushinish and one of the best beaches I’ve seen, I had worked my way around the west coast, past the magic of Luskentyre and the quick-fire beaches alongside the A859, ending with a stunning evening walk along the south coast from Northton. But as I prepared to make my way up to Stornoway, ready for a final exploration of Lewis the next day, I wasn’t quite done. Earlier in the afternoon I had taken the decision to skip Seilebost beach until the end of the day, primarily because I wanted to park at the tiny school and I decided to wait until after school hours. So as I made my way back from Northton, I stopped here, now gone 7pm, for a walk to what I knew was one of the island’s beach highlights. As it turned out, it was a great decision to come here last because as the evening sun began to dip into the Sound of Taransay, the beach took on a vivid hue of green, silver and blue. Seilebost sits on the opposite side of the bay to Luskentyre and earlier in the day, with the tide out, I attempted to walk here from Luskentyre itself, only to find a rather wide water inlet blocking my path. It did me a favour, because this evening stroll on Seilebost was unforgettable.