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28 March 2022

Perhaps the beach with the biggest wow-factor on Mull is Scoor Beach (Traigh Bhan Na Sgurra). That’s probably because for most visitors the first view of the beach is from high above the surrounding cliffs, which embrace the beach on three sides, enabling you to look directly down onto the dramatic cove, with its deep white sands and turquoise waters. First though, you have to get here … a few miles of single track road via Loch Assapol south of Bunessan, and then a very untidy potholed track for a further mile or so to reach a small parking area at Kilvickeon cemetery. From here, it’s past some self-catering cottages and a hike across the moors to the great unveiling! You could just sit on the cliff in awe all day, or (like me) you can clamber down the path to the beach itself. It goes without saying that once here, you won’t want to leave.