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1 May 2024

I had been looking forward to my first visit to one of the Small Isles ever since I started the Project, and I was toying with options to visit Rum, Eigg and Muck on this sunny Wednesday. The private Arisaig ferry runs to Eigg (allowing a five hour trip) and then onto Muck (for three hours) so I decided to take the second option, knowing I could explore much of the smallest of the Small Isles in that time. The boat was full, but most passengers got off at Eigg, allowing me time for a short 20-minute stroll before re-boarding.  Only five of us, and a posse of school children from Eigg, made the additional 30-minute crossing to Muck. On arrival, I walked north from Port Mor along the island’s only road towards the beach at Gallanach Bay.  However, just before the road turns towards Gallanach, the small and beautiful beach of Cairidh Bay comes into view. A handy picnic table sits by the road, affording views of the beach and across the water to Rum.